Akashic Records

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What is the Akasha?

Akasha is the root of the word “Akashic” which is a Sanskrit word meaning “the basis and essence of all things in the material world".

In Hinduism, the direct translation of Akasha is the word meaning "upper sky" or 'space'.

What are the benefits of working in my own Akashic Records?

There are infinite ways to work with the Records. They can be used as a healing modality for clearing energy, removing/replacing cords, getting clarity on any issue, receiving channelled messages from spirit guides, understanding one’s purpose and even for creating an aligned and conscious business. In essence, the Records allow you to align with the path of least resistance in all areas of your life so that you can live with more ease and flow.

The Records of your business can also be accessed since they are a “creation” that is very closely aligned to your energy. Working in the Records of your business can include clearing energies, strengthening cords, re-aligning the business vision and purpose, manifesting expansion, and abundance, as well as many other possibilities.

What are Akashic Records? 

The Akashic Records are the Universe's supercomputer. They hold the energetic imprint of all that exists. Through this universal field, every event that has happened, is happening, or will happen is documented. Each soul on Earth is personally linked to the Akasha, and these records are stored in what many practitioners refer to as your “Akashic Records”.

In some instances, they are described as a library or hallway of records and books, but this description is just meant to create a relatable visual representation for the human mind. In fact, the Records are truly a realm of ultra high vibrations where the energy of creation exists.

Frequently asked questions:

  • How do I access my Akashic Records?

    During the times of the ancient mystery schools, the Akashic Records were regarded as a secret, reserved only for a select few. However, in our present time, they have become more available to the masses. This is because they are meant to be a tool used to assist in ascension, raise the collective vibration, and to allow people to remember that they have always had the power within them.

    There are various ways to access the Records. Some people use channelled prayers or other methodologies. In reality, the Records can be accessed by anyone who aligns with the right intention and vibration. They are a realm that is always present and available. All that is needed is to cultivate a practice of connecting to them on a consistent basis in order to strengthen one’s relationship with their energies.

  • Who can access the Akashic Records?

    Anyone is able to access the Records. However, because they are a space of ultra high vibrations, they can only be accessed when one is in a state of pure intention and unconditional love. There is also a sense of sacredness that is required to access them. Opening the Records with a mere sense of curiosity does not work; they only show you what you “need” to know and not what you “want”. With practice and consistency, downloading information becomes easier. 

    It is not uncommon to face some challenges accessing one’s own records due to the the ego and mind getting in the way. This is why it is highly recommended to go through the process with a trained practitioner who is able to guide you as you learn to work within your Records.

  • What happens during a session in the Akashic Records?

    During a session in the Akashic Records, the client can receive clarity on various issues such as relationships, emotional trauma, physical issues, as well as the ability to tap into possible past life energies/connections that may require clearing. It is also possible to energetically connect with the clients' spirit guides, angels, ancestors or any other highly vibrational beings if they have a message that is meant to come through.

    The way this happens is unique to each individual and their energies, so it is important to have an open mind and let go of any expectations as to how or what will happen as you journey into the Akasha.

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