Energy Healing

Alignment for your Health and Home

Reiki | Aura | Chakra | Space Clearing

What is Energy Healing?

By definition, healing is “the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again” (Oxford dictionary). In respect to energy or spirituality, healing is the process of a practitioner intentionally channeling positive energy to you. The focus can be on mental, physical, and/or spiritual wellness. “Healing is natural and non-invasive with the intention of bringing the recipient into a state of balance and wellbeing on all levels” (NFSH Healing Trust). Energy Healing practices help you to release energy blockages and increase your energy flow.

Is Energy Healing right for me?

Energy Healing is right for anyone who feels imbalanced on any level. Energy imbalances can take the form of physical pain and/ mental and emotional unease. Even skeptics can be healed, you do not need to believe in it for it to work as it is a transfer of energy.

Who performs Energy Healing? 

Energy Healing practices can be done by a wide range of practitioners. While this list is not exhaustive, some key energy healers include reiki masters, shamans, therapists, and sound/light workers.

What are the benefits?

Healing allows you to work on and remedy pain (whether that be physical or spiritual). This frees up your mind and body to function optimally so your energy can vibrate at a higher level. Benefits can include: stress and tension relief, increased relaxation, strengthened immune system, a more positive demeanor and outlook, pain relief, and increased general state of well being.

Frequently asked questions:

  • What is Reiki?

    Reiki is the most basic system of energy healing. It is a method of alternative physical therapy usually described as healing an individual’s energy. While the system of reiki originated in Japan in the 1800’s, the concept of energy healing has been around for centuries.  Energy healing is said to transfer universal energy from the practitioner's hands to the recipient.

    Primarily, Reiki is focused upon exchanging your body's natural stress response from "fight-or-flight" to a state of calm during and after the session. When you're in a state of "fight-or-flight", your stress hormones have been released, which can lead to physiological changes that are damaging over prolonged lengths of time. Managing stress through reiki practices can help your body heal in a more optimal manner.

  • What are the benefits of Reiki/Energy Healing?

    The focus of energy medicine is to help remove energetic blocks and resume a more natural flow of energy. Practitioners say that correcting the flow of energy throughout the body can reduce pain, help with relaxation, reduce symptoms of illness, and speed up recovery time.  But, we think that the main benefit is that the practice is incredibly relaxing. The Cleveland Clinic’s Taussig Cancer Institute offers Reiki to their patients because they feel that the benefits can include stress reduction, enhanced energy, and an increased feeling of well-being and positivity.

  • What should I expect from a session?

    An energy session normally involves approximately an hour of deep meditative relaxation. All you need to do is surrender to the experience and close your eyes to relax. Some individuals even fall asleep during the sessions! Your practitioner might play some relaxing background music during the session. Some Reiki healers place their hands on your body, whereas others simply hold them above.  Once the session begins, there are varying reports regarding people's experiences. Some say the practitioner's palms become hot, others feel pulsating waves of energy, and some report cooling sensations. So, while the experience varies, the one thing that is commonly agreed upon is that the service provides deep relaxation, and a release of stress.

    Although it may not seem like it is possible, energy healing sessions can also be done on the phone or online. These sessions are usually referred to as "long-distance Reiki" where the healing energy is sent to you. In this kind of session, the practitioner will ask you questions throughout the session, and you then verify the sensations and emotions you're experiencing.  Just imagine receiving that healing energy in the comfort of your own home!

  • How should I find an energy healer/reiki practitioner?

    Energy healing practitioners are plentiful and you may find lots of classes offering to teach you Reiki techniques to heal yourself.  We recommend always checking reviews, and making sure that you feel comfortable working with the practitioner you're choosing.  Most health insurance policies don't cover the cost of Reiki sessions, but some do. So, it makes sense to check your insurance coverage and see if they have recommended Reiki practitioners.  

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