Roger Burnley

Intuitive Life Empowerment

Let's do the impossible!

4 Weeks to your best life! Are you ready to discover your life purpose, and create the life of your dreams? In this revolutionary system, you will learn to build security, confidence, and decisiveness into your life. You will learn the tools to manifest abundance, to attract the love of your life, and solve any problem you have (or ever will have). Begin your first four weeks here, the most important foundations to my ultimate life-changing series, "Your Life Operating Instructions."

FREE Conversations with Wilhelm. We all possess intuition. It is that voice you hear in your head that sometimes you notice, and other times you can't make sense of what you believe is being said to you. I began active listening in 1988. Over the years, the information I have received through my spirit guide, Wilhelm, has enabled me to understand my life. It has given me access to information I have used in my coaching and all my online programs. I wrote a book and several songs with the information I received, which some call channeling. Still, everyone has this ability, and all my clients begin to recognize their inner wisdom through our working together. Sundays 9am PT/12 ET I offer a free online session where I channel Wilhelm's guidance and answer questions from the audience. 

My Story

I am the Creator of Empowerment Made Simple, a program designed to help you grow and expand into you goals using simple and proven methods. I’m also the channeler for Wilhelm of Any Advice for Today, a blog delivering insights to support humanity as we evolve and ascend. I share my intuitive insight with others to help clients achieve a greater sense of peace and self-acceptance. 

I began my coaching career more than thirty years ago. I started with vocal and performance coaching which enabled me to hone my skills as an empowerment life coach. Working  with a wide variety of clients allowed me to quickly develop my coaching method which I call Empowerment Made Simple.

Every person is born with talents, abilities, and skills they can use to create a successful, happy, and prosperous life. Most individuals have blocked this knowledge from their consciousness for many and varied reasons. I can find those barriers and develop sustainable plans for my clients to reach whatever level of success they desire.

My career path has traveled through many different areas, including business owner, entrepreneur, author, speaker, performer, singer, and coach. Along the way I encountered all the barriers and challenges my clients might be experiencing.  I bring them my knowledge, success, and the tools I developed  to move beyond any obstacles so that they might do the same. I believe my life purpose is to help as many people as I can realize their full and unlimited potential. Failure is not an option, and it never needs to occur!

Additional Information

Click here to get a copy of Overcoming Fear: A Guide to Freedom with messages from Wilhelm.

Click here to download my free eBook 

Click here to receive the gift of 10 Steps to Transformation for free!

Upcoming Events & Programs

4 Weeks to your best life!

Your purpose revealed

WHEN: start anytime and join in our weekly zooms!

WHERE: Zoom (you will receive the link upon registration)

Are you ready to discover your life purpose, and create the life of your dreams? In this revolutionary system, you will learn to build security, confidence, and decisiveness into your life. You will learn the tools to manifest abundance, to attract the love of your life, and solve any problem you have (or ever will have). Begin your first four weeks here, the most important foundations to my ultimate life-changing series, "Your Life Operating Instructions."


New Assignments Each Day (for 30 days)

4 Weekly Zoom Calls

Supportive Community

Direct Feedback

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Conversations with Wilhelm (FREE!)

WHEN: Sundays at 9:00am PT and 12:00pm ET

WHERE: Zoom (you will receive the link upon registration)

Join Spiritual Channel, Roger Burnley, as he channels important information to help all of us move through the changes in the world and our lives, as he channels a collective who call themselves Wilhelm. Roger has been channeling Wilhelm since 1989.

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